URN | urn:agi-Binding:inout-urn:agi-llid:8573:inout-urn:agi-llid:351:inout-urn:agi-llid:320: |
Nodes | CASK; APP; APBA1 |
References | 1 |
Connectivity | 3 |
Journal | J. Biol. Chem |
Journal Reference | v275 i50 p39302 (2000) |
Journal Link | http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/full/275/50/39302 |
MedLine Reference | 11010978 |
Sentence | The APP/Mint/Cask complex is not only localized in neuronal processes suggestive of synaptic localization and function, but also in the Golgi of NT2 neurons, thus suggesting APP tethering and targeting roles for the Mint-1/Cask/Veli complex ( 21 ). |
Source | ResNet |